There are a number of reasons why you might want to own a Kool tie. As their name suggests they cool the body but they also reduce blood pressure and lower heart rate. 

You might have a health related issue, maybe you participate in sports or other activities where you get warm, you might be luck enough to live in one of the warmer areas of the UK or to visit warmer climes on holiday, you may be unlucky enough to be forced to work in a hot environment or you might never use the cooling properties and just want to look Kool!

Health reasons include

  • migraines
  • menopausal hot flushes
  • flushes due to hormone treatment (e.g prostate problems)
  • MS
  • Fatigue related illnesses

Common examples of physical activities might be

  • running
  • cycling
  • walking and rambling
  • weight training

Not only does a kool tie keep your body temperature low, but it also actually proven that performance is enhanced. Quote?

Potential environmental circumstances are

    • hot countries
    • hot working conditions - hospitals, factories ....

Pam's son is a medic who has done two tours in Afghanistan. He has distributed ties to the U.S. Military for use in combat. Team Kool tie Team Kool Tie won the National Tri-Athlete Championship race by 1.5 hours.